Glass jars with lids: cosmetic revolution or environmental danger?

Glass jars with lids: cosmetic revolution or environmental danger

Lets think for a moment. Face creams, peelings, or scented candles – all of them mostly come in jars with lids. Even deo products are becoming more common last time, going in the jar. So, it seems evident that this kind of package has totally stolen our hearts – not only manufacturers but also (or especially) customers. But why are jars with lids so popular, and when it is proper to use them while producing cosmetics?

Dark, transparent, or bottle-green?

Not every glass jar with lid is created equal. Each type of glass may have its own properties, and hence – functionality. Lets take the classic, clear glass. The translucent material is perfect for candles and cosmetic formulas that dont need to be protected from the sun. Manufacturers gladly put into them also hand or eye products, sometimes even travel-sized cosmetics.

Jars made of green or dark brown glass are mostly used for formulas like sunscreens or cosmetics with unstable active ingredients (ex. vitamin C). They perfectly protect cosmetics from sun rays impact and high temperature.

Not so common, but still in use, are jars made of aluminum or matte glass. They are most often used in travel or dental products. Frosted glass is often used to give cosmetics a more luxurious, mysterious look.

They all can come with plastic or aluminum lids, that are durable and protect formulas from external factors.

Glass is an ecological way to store cosmetics

Ecological ideas have penetrated the world of cosmetics very quickly. Many manufacturers consciously give up plastic packaging in favor of glass, practical, and reusable jars that are very easy to recycle.

For the past couple of years, the eco-cosmetics market is experiencing a real revolution. The aforementioned cream deos are just a drop in the ocean. It happens more and more often that you can find hair shampoos, toothpaste, or special face powders in a glass jar with lid. This market is really growing, so it is definitely worth getting interested in the offer of glass or metal jars.

Glass jar with lids: is it really so ethical?

Glass jars with lids are certainly more ecological than plastic packages, but have one big disadvantage – they are often heavy. Unfortunately, this is an urgent problem due to the carbon footprint.

Besides, lids are mostly made of plastic. There are rarely other options, ex. metal or aluminum, which nevertheless are recycled similarly to plastic ones.

But apart from this, glass jars are still one of the best ways to package many sorts of cosmetics, both liquid and solid.



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